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  • Shinju Shaji

If It Is Such A Great Idea, Why Isn't Someone Else Already Doing It?

If you constantly think about lots of business ideas and present it to other people and tries to get feedback like I do, one of the questions you’re probably going to hear over and over might be this; If it’s such a great business idea, why isn’t someone else already doing it? Before getting into the question, let me share one joke which I heard about two economists. They were walking across the campus and one of them spots a ₹500 note on the ground. He bends down to pick it up and the other one grabs him and says, if it was a real ₹500 note, someone would have picked it up already. The point is, that’s how people think. And that’s how we are trained in our school. "We have an efficient market, if there is an opportunity someone would surely come in to snatch it up". It’s not how the world works. People aren’t doing certain things because they are already busy doing other things. So, it is still fair to ask this question. At this point you should go deep into your idea. And check whether, if you have missed something critical. It maybe some laws or regulations preventing what you want to do. Research more on it. Never get sidetracked by the fact that someone else isn’t already doing it. Because, that’s how every great idea starts.


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